Sunday, November 13, 2011

Long Time, No Update

so.. this semester has been crazy.. to quote a favorite video of mine, "kid in the background going crrraaazzay" (Mindy cred if you get that video.. if not, let me know and I will send you a link. :)) I have been that kid in the background this semester.. finally kind of have a day off today..

Observations about today:
1. It's almost Thanksgiving. This reminds me to be extra super thankful for everything. Keep this in mind for later in the post..
2. I got a Sunday afternoon nap. I once had a professor tell me she was a SAINT. I asked her what that meant for her life, and she said "Sunday Afternoon Is Nap Time." This was a principle I used in my life for a long time.. except this semester. Can I just say that being nearly done with this degree might kill me? (:
3. My roommate is amazing. No joke. Not only does she put up with me, but she encourages me when I feel dumb.

Okay, so back to the first observation. In case you have forgotten what it is, I will remind you - "1. It's almost Thanksgiving. This reminds me to be extra super thankful for everything. Keep this in mind for later in the post."
I mostly had a charmed childhood. I am unbelievably thankful for the way I grew up. My parents were (still are, but we are referencing a long time ago) amazing, and we lived not far from both sets of Grandparents. I would call my Grandparents and tell them I was going to come stay at their house for a few days, and they should ready themselves. I was constantly surrounded by people who loved me and would do anything to see me smile. No joke. So, naturally, when I was convinced something was going to happen, it did.

I can only think of two times when I was younger that things went drastically different than I planned..

The first was when I was in Kindergarten. I sometimes rode the bus home, but was convinced that if I simply willed that my Grandpa would come pick me up, he would. The bus driver asked me several times if I was supposed to ride home with her, but I told her no. My grandpa will come. I waited until the Principal made me call my mom, who then asked me why I didn't ride the bus home. I told her Grandpa was coming to get me (apparently, I've always been stubborn), She said no, he never was. She had to get off work to come get me. Of course, this didn't make me love me Grandpa any less, it just made me hate riding the bus a little more.. :)

The second time was in third grade. You should know that I love to roller skate. I am 25 and still love it. Getting on that smooth wood floor and skating for hours and laughing when all my friends fall down and hug the wall while I skate circles around them.. it is amazing in the sense that I am a terrible friend. Something about roller skating and roller skating parties has always gone amazing with birthdays. Seriously. I have always desired to have a skating party for my birthday, even since I was little.
In third grade, I invited my entire class to a hypothetical roller skating party. I am pretty sure I was thinking that if my whole class knew, my parents would have to make it happen for me. I also told me entire class that my parents would pick them up. Yup.. this was a biggy.
I was excited about it.. until I got home. No, I didn't get in trouble as soon as I got home.. that wouldn't have been my life. I forgot about it when I got home. Yep. Completely forgot to ask my parents if I could have a skating party. That weekend, when the party was supposed to be starting, I was outside playing. The phone started ringing inside, but I didn't care..

I heard my first *and* middle name being called from inside the house. And it was being called at the pitch that makes you run straight there rather than prolong any punishment.. at times, it was like if I waited, it would be the equivalent of resisting arrest. I ran straight in to see my parents sitting at the table
. "You told your class we were having a skating party for you? and that we'd pick them up? we have a car, Amy. how was that supposed to work?"

I had to write every verse about lying from Nave's Topical Bible. (my parents were always very Biblical in their punishment)

And do you know what the bigger punishment is?

I still haven't ever gone roller skating on my birthday.

RSVP cause it's happening next year.

for real,
amy :)

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