Sunday, November 13, 2011

Long Time, No Update

so.. this semester has been crazy.. to quote a favorite video of mine, "kid in the background going crrraaazzay" (Mindy cred if you get that video.. if not, let me know and I will send you a link. :)) I have been that kid in the background this semester.. finally kind of have a day off today..

Observations about today:
1. It's almost Thanksgiving. This reminds me to be extra super thankful for everything. Keep this in mind for later in the post..
2. I got a Sunday afternoon nap. I once had a professor tell me she was a SAINT. I asked her what that meant for her life, and she said "Sunday Afternoon Is Nap Time." This was a principle I used in my life for a long time.. except this semester. Can I just say that being nearly done with this degree might kill me? (:
3. My roommate is amazing. No joke. Not only does she put up with me, but she encourages me when I feel dumb.

Okay, so back to the first observation. In case you have forgotten what it is, I will remind you - "1. It's almost Thanksgiving. This reminds me to be extra super thankful for everything. Keep this in mind for later in the post."
I mostly had a charmed childhood. I am unbelievably thankful for the way I grew up. My parents were (still are, but we are referencing a long time ago) amazing, and we lived not far from both sets of Grandparents. I would call my Grandparents and tell them I was going to come stay at their house for a few days, and they should ready themselves. I was constantly surrounded by people who loved me and would do anything to see me smile. No joke. So, naturally, when I was convinced something was going to happen, it did.

I can only think of two times when I was younger that things went drastically different than I planned..

The first was when I was in Kindergarten. I sometimes rode the bus home, but was convinced that if I simply willed that my Grandpa would come pick me up, he would. The bus driver asked me several times if I was supposed to ride home with her, but I told her no. My grandpa will come. I waited until the Principal made me call my mom, who then asked me why I didn't ride the bus home. I told her Grandpa was coming to get me (apparently, I've always been stubborn), She said no, he never was. She had to get off work to come get me. Of course, this didn't make me love me Grandpa any less, it just made me hate riding the bus a little more.. :)

The second time was in third grade. You should know that I love to roller skate. I am 25 and still love it. Getting on that smooth wood floor and skating for hours and laughing when all my friends fall down and hug the wall while I skate circles around them.. it is amazing in the sense that I am a terrible friend. Something about roller skating and roller skating parties has always gone amazing with birthdays. Seriously. I have always desired to have a skating party for my birthday, even since I was little.
In third grade, I invited my entire class to a hypothetical roller skating party. I am pretty sure I was thinking that if my whole class knew, my parents would have to make it happen for me. I also told me entire class that my parents would pick them up. Yup.. this was a biggy.
I was excited about it.. until I got home. No, I didn't get in trouble as soon as I got home.. that wouldn't have been my life. I forgot about it when I got home. Yep. Completely forgot to ask my parents if I could have a skating party. That weekend, when the party was supposed to be starting, I was outside playing. The phone started ringing inside, but I didn't care..

I heard my first *and* middle name being called from inside the house. And it was being called at the pitch that makes you run straight there rather than prolong any punishment.. at times, it was like if I waited, it would be the equivalent of resisting arrest. I ran straight in to see my parents sitting at the table
. "You told your class we were having a skating party for you? and that we'd pick them up? we have a car, Amy. how was that supposed to work?"

I had to write every verse about lying from Nave's Topical Bible. (my parents were always very Biblical in their punishment)

And do you know what the bigger punishment is?

I still haven't ever gone roller skating on my birthday.

RSVP cause it's happening next year.

for real,
amy :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm All Jacked Up on Mike and Ikes..

someone should really restrict my sugar intake..

So.. this summer is totally screaming by.. and I think it might have something to do with all the candy I have eaten today.. Tropical Mike and Ikes might be the reason I'm diabetic someday.. picture it with me.. I'm sitting in a doctor's office and the doctor comes into the room, shaking his head saying "if only you hadn't had that box of Mike and Ikes.."


Sometimes, I feel like life is going a little too fast. Especially after holidays where literally eight trillion people get engaged and/or married. Not that I necessarily am ready for that, and not that I am pining away in my huge office, it just gets kind of lame to observe it and not experience it.. I get kind of tired of writing "congratulations! you guys are so cute together" on people's Facebook wall, knowing deep inside my spirit, someone will say that about me and my cats someday. (This sentence is supposed to be suuuuuper self deprecating. Laugh.. it's okay.. I laugh at me all the time.. in fact, I may just be one of the funniest people I know!)

Different subject.. let's see what my crazy brain can come up with.. a good story.. hmm..

Can't really think of one. I'll repost again later.

oh? and for your time? I will leave you with a joke..

what do you call a hiker who likes to gossip?
       a walkie talkie.  :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

This One Time

.. no, not at Band Camp. American Pie has kind of ruined that phrase for this entire generation. Maybe a better title would be
                                                        Funny Story
except if my mom reads it, she'll tell you that usually when I say funny story, it ends up being not so funny. Like when I called her and told her my car was stolen and started off the conversation with "funny story". So.. let's just call this one
                                                       Untitled (to put anything in parenthesis actually gives it a title, but why do                                                      many people do it?)

This summer is going to be legit. If you read this, there is a good chance we are facebook friends, because I am relatively certain there are only 3 people who read this ever. So, you should look at the picture of my office for the summer. I don't want to be braggy, but I never dreamed I would have an office like this at 24. Srsly. And the church I am working for has been super amazing. But, it reminds me a lot of the church we went to growing up. (we as in my family.. sorry.. I did not magically have a significant other, or a frog in my pocket. In fact, I don't have any pockets in the athletic pants I am wearing today, so there's nowhere to carry anything except my hands and I think the secretary might have freaked out a lot if I came in this morning leisurely carrying my soda and a frog. jussayin.) Not that reminiding me of the church I grew up in is a bad thing, in fact, quite a alot of funny things happened there. Or on the way there. You see, I am kind of anal about being on time places. If there is a prescribed time to be somewhere, I will do everything in my power to be there when it satrts, and hopefully earlier (as an event planner, it makes me crazy when people show up just when something is supposed to be starting.. can you not have gotten there 5 minutes earlier and we could all be in correct groupings?! come. on.)

So, the girls group that I was involved in made pies for people every year for Thanksgiving. It was one of our big fundraisers - we'll make the pies, you pay an extremely high price for them and we get to go on vacation this summer. That's how it worked. I wasn't able to drive yet, and my dad wasn't home from work. I decided that being late was the worst possible thing to be, so I decided I would hurridely ride my bike to church. I hopped on and noticed that there were convienent dirt tracks on the road - I wouldn't even have to look up! This would save me so much time! I could pedal like a fiend and end up where i needed to go! This. Would. Work.

And it did.. until I came to the parked car.

Yes, friends. In my teenage years, I ran into a parked car on my bike. It was a sad state of affairs in which I had to have twelve stitches on my middle finger of my right hand.

Some of you might be thinking - 'Amy, we've been friends for a long time. I never knew what happened there. But now I am going ot make fun of you until we die because you ran into a parked car on your bike when you were 16.'

In response? I would first agree. And then remind you that I skipped first grade and was way smarter than you when we were 7. Also? I would probably remind you of the fact that we aren't friends because I am the sharpest tool in the shed, we are friends because of our mutual awesomeness. And I might throw in a reference specific to our friendship.

And then you'd feel terrible.

And I would win at life.

This ending got really mean. I apologize.

puppies and kittens hugging and frolicking (had to counteract the mean..) :)

you. bet.

P.S. - I am not positive this one is funny.. I feel like it is more informational than hilarious. I may or may not still be doped up on codeine, which makes me crazy but not funny crazy. More like just psycho crazy. So, direct constructive criticism to:

Promise it'll be funnier next time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Holy Freaking Cow.

Dude.. Can I be honest? Sometimes I drink energy drinks and get even weirder. And yes, it is possible. And yes, it just happened. And yes, no one is really around to buffet the weirdness, so I am writing a blog. And yes, I just correctly used buffet in a sentence. I can't tell you the language of origin because that would take too long and my hands are shaky.

Monster Dub is my Frienemy. You should or should not try it.

Okay so anyway.. what I was going to originally be writing about.....

1. It's Spring. Can someone alert Mother Nature to this fact, please? Because I could see my breath last night. That should not happen in the month of MAY. Seeing my breath in May is like a panda giving birth to a deer - probably the most horrifying experience ever. The poor panda.. it was an accidental pregnancy.. she never saw it coming. Now, the deer has run away because its mom can't relate to it.. The deer is all pierced and tatted up and on its way to some state Hunting area to commit deericide. It's going to happen. Look it up. Let's have some sun, mmmk MN? I would hate to see a deer on the side of the road all pierced and tatted cause you can't get your stuff together. kthx.

2. The previous paragraph? Was super weird. Erase that from your memory and chalk it up to lack of sleep and way too much B12.

3. Being a grown up rocks when you get to have Nutter Butter Bites for dinner.

4. I should be studying for a Final in 3 hours. Nah.. I'd rather keep you entertained.

5. I have a cough. I think I am dying. But like actually not, because I just got some test results back from the Doctor and I am definitely not dying and definitely not pregnant. Two things that made my year. But this scare reminded me of another time I was convinced I was dying - this was when I was little and had head lice. I've only had it once, but that was enough. We (my older brother and I) got called in to the nurse for a routine check and immediately were quarantined. They called our parents and my dad had to come get us. My mom met us at home and this is what she told me - "You got head lice, so I'm going to have to shave your head." Yes. In this trqumatic (I noticed this typo, but I'm not going to fix it. I feel like it drives home the fact that I am all jacked up on energy drinks.)moment, my mom's attempt at humor had me running out of the house, onto the porch, screaming that I would rather keep the head lice. My mom sent my dad out, but it was too late. My brain had already jumped to the conclusion that the head lice were going to somehow burrow into my brain and infest it and then cut off all oxygen and I would slowly asphyxiate while my parents were shampooing my older brother's head. A little dramatic? Perhaps. Welcome to my reality. I did have to cut my hair a little, and we got rid of the lice. And that is the only time I ever had them. But, every time someone says head lice, a part of my brain still freaks out and ties it to death. This is a disgusting paragraph, and you can erase this one from your memory, too.

6. I have several irrational fears. One of them? I can't wash my hands in the bathroom until the toilet has stopped refilling because I am scared the lines will somehow cross and I will be washing my hands with what I just flushed.

This post is way random, and will probably be used one day to send me to a mental institution.

Have at it. As long as there's a jump to conclusions mat. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Thing You Should Definitely Know About Me is that I Am Super Irrationally Afraid of Bears

That title? Yeah.. it's a whole sentence. And the general  gist of this blog, in a round about sort of way. But you should definitely read the first paragraph about Spring Break. I think it has some quality "intelligence for your life", to quote Mr. John Tesh. 

Anyway.. it's been a while since my last post. Apologies, it's Spring Break. I have two things running through my head about Spring Break - 1) Spring Break?! It's still Winter, bozos! Frostbite? It's not nearly as sexy as tanned, glistening skin. I suppose my choice of Spring Break destination would make a difference - I did come home, which is Northeast Kansas.. and it's like 40 degrees colder. This is not an exaggeration. Anyway, shivering on Spring Break? yeah. not cool. Except, it is very cool.. but not cool in the "hey man, that is super legit!" definition of cool. No, it would have to be the "oh - it's still al little cool outside, even though I am already wearing three parkas, six sweaters, and nine pairs of long underwear." definition. Yup. Gonna go with that one. 2) This particular break needs to be renamed. Instead of Spring Break, it needs to be called "Spring Super Productive Being An Adult All the Time Week". This week is chock full of things that I want to do, have to do, and need to do.. several things involving the wreck and switching cars over, getting new phones, switching cell providers, and that is only the first three hours! I kind of can't wait to get back to school and slow down again.. 

But seriously.. the reason you came.. the title. Oh, and you get a gold star if you made it this far, I am having an ADD attack this morning. 

(Imagine Maury Ballstein from Zoolander when he sings that bopbadabaabopbabopbadabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to tell Derek that Mugatu wants Zoolander for his new campaign..)

I have found my future husband. Yes. Seriously. Click the link. Then come back so I can tell you why this gentleman is perfect for me. 

This man is perfect for me for several reasons. I will now list them.

1. His beard. It is legit. I like facial hair. A lot.
2. He knows his gun safety. He isn't flailing that rifle around so anyone can accidentally get shot. Nope. He's cradling it, and made sure the muzzle was pointing up and away from mostly anybody. If someone ends up on the business end of that gun, it's their own fault.
3. He's got sparkling eyes. 'Nuf said.
4. He lives in California. Yes, it would be tough to get used to going to the beach every day, but I think I could manage.
5. He looks to be around 6' tall. This is an important factor - I don't want to be taller than him when I wear my super cute heels!
6. His last name is Kinman, my initials don't have to change. I like my initials.
7. (this one is the most important) HE KILLS BEARS!

I don't know how or when I became afraid of bears, I just always have been. We (as a family) camp a lot in Colorado. I can remember seeing them since I was little and having to put things away and seeing tents mangled while people were gone, but I don't think that's what it is. I would like to conjecture that my fear of bears is my older brother's fault. We would be on some remote four wheel drive trail, the only people around for years, and inevitably, we would have to pee. In that case, he would find a tree and I would attempt to find a semi-comfortable log. My older brother always finished before me, and would always, ALWAYS sneak up the mountain a bit, then come running down screaming "BEAR!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!" This usually meant that I would sit for approximately 3 seconds trying to decide whether to pull up my pants and then run, or risk falling down the mountain because my pants were still around my ankles to reach the safety of the Jeep before the bear ate me. Pants around my ankles, arms flailing, I would get closer to the car and hear my parents scolding my brother. "Brad, you have to stop that. She is terrified of bears. You know that." This was the opportunity to pull up my pants and face my family with a shred of dignity................

Anyway, the second picture of this guy? Not only does he kill bears, he then makes furniture out of them! He kills bears AND is handy around the house? AND I can sit on one of my irrational fears?!

Now, I just have to figure out how to build a time machine. Stupid Laws of Physics. I bet Seth could build me one out of bear intestines. :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Levar Burton

So, I am a huge nerd. Have been for a long time.

Especially when I was like 7. My two favorite TV shows were

          1. Reading Rainbow
          2. Star Trek : TNG

Now that I'm a grown up, I realize that actors can be in more than one show at a time - especially ones that involve a tiny cross section of common viewers, like Reading Rainbow and Star Trek.

I was in that small cross section of common viewers, and I will conjecture that is why I am an emotional wreck. Imagine, if you will for a minute with me, a 7 year old me. I was super cute - had HUGE glasses. I had old lady hair, and thought I was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

It was a daily ritual to come home from school, watch Reading Rainbow, go play outside, possibly do my homework, and then in the evenings, watch Star Trek, MacGyver, and Night Court with my dad.

The first time I saw Levar on Star Trek, it didn't even cross my mind that this man had been reading me books mere hours before. A few days later, I was up to my nightly routine and noticed he looked familiar. All of a sudden, my 7 year old worlds came crashing down around me! Holy crap! How could this man read me books and then make it to the Delta galaxy to kick some alien booty? This. Wasn't. Possible.

I had to get to the bottom of it.

I asked my dad about it and he said that the man's name was Levar Burton and that he was an actor who played multiple roles. It still didn't make sense to me (I've never been quick on the uptake), so I pouted.

The next day, I asked my grandpa who merely suggested that while it was the same man in real life, the real life man was actually magical, and he did actually kick alien booty. It all made sense.

I still firmly believe that Levar Burton is a magical fairy creature, simply waiting for another chance to climb aboard the Voyager and save us from impending doom.
Or, he could just read me a picture book. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have the most amazing friends and family ever, I should start by saying that. My parents are wonderful, my siblings are my friends, my not dead grandparents do a great job of being grandparents (clearly the dead ones can't do a very good job.. the chocolate they give would probably taste like mold or something even grosser..), my extended family is amazing. My friends, who do not have to put up with me, but do are equally as amazing.

Can I remind you that I said before that my parents are amazing? Keep this in mind for the rest of this post....

My mom is a nurse. Has been for 30 years now. She's a very good nurse - she has her Master's degree in it, loves teaching people how to be nurses, loves helping people. The woman has won awards and been invited into honor societies and is amazing.

I want to know how. When, as children, something happened to us, she had the bedside manner of an angry badger. Let me give you an example... when I was little and thought I needed a band aid (band aids magically make things better, right? duh.), my mom would always make sure I was bleeding first. And if I wasn't, by the time she determined I might need a band aid, I had lost a pint of blood.

OR here is an example of a conversation about how I feel like crap.....

"mom, I don't feel good."

"what does it feel like?"

"it feels like there are 7000 little men in my body jumping on my organs, causing them to rupture, bleed profusely, and possibly causing permanent damage."

"you're fine. go play."

Yes, I have a flair for the dramatic, but what if there really *had* been 7000 little men inside me causing permanent damage? She would have felt like crap - and a different kind of crap.. probably mostly.

That would have been a great front page for the National Enquirer, though

"Beautiful Young Life Smushed Because of 7000 Tiny Little Men Causing Permanent Damage and Flair for the Dramatic"

It would have been the most popular edition of the Enquirer. Ever.

You bet. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is This What Being a Grown Up is Like?

Can I make a confession? I have yet to sleep past 9 o'clock a.m. this week.

You might be thinking to yourself - "wait a second! This kid, just a week ago, was talking about how she could sleep all day. I feel shammed, lied to, schemed.. I feel like I invested all my money with Bernie Madoff! (too soon for that one? apologies if so..)"

In response to the imaginary thoughts I just placed in your head, I must say that I agree. I am working to correct these atrocities. Here are activities that I have been doing to wear myself out - both during the day (so I am more tired at night) and at night (so I can force myself to stay up, thus hopefully sleeping in later):

1. Homework. Yes, I don't normally do it, really. :) My grades are usually made immaculate by a little thing I like to call 'Participation Points'.

2. Run around like I am crazy. sample thought.. "huh.. Big Lots does not in fact get new stuff in on the hour every hour. Good. To. Know."

3. Go to the lake. There are several around here and when I drive there, I inevitably get out and proceed back to #2, minus Big Lots, plus imaginary fish.

4. Avoid doing laundry at all costs. I would say I am pretty successful at this. My roommate would probably agree, right after she barfs.

This list could go on for a while. Suffice it to say that I am trying to get back to *my* normal Circadian Rhythm. It's just not working. Suggestions?

If not, I'm headed to the lake. Blake the Fish and I had a fight today and I must go apologize. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vamlumtime's Is Serious Times.

There was a time in my life when I wasn’t clumsy. Two times, in fact. Well, more like one and a half.

The first time was when I was like 6 and in gymnastics.  This is the half time – because I was still pretty clumsy.

The full time I wasn’t clumsy was my freshman and sophomore years of college when I was in Show Choir. You can’t be clumsy and be in Show Choir. It.  Just.  Doesn’t.  Work.

But, now, I have been away from gymnastics and dancing for an exorbitant amount of time.  I still remember steps, but can’t execute them as awesomely as I used to.

I also have awkward limbs. I feel like I have freakishly long ape arms and I have pretty long legs. This is important for the next part of the story. Oh, and also? A couple of weekends ago, I got this awesome pair of new shoes.. huge platforms with a 5” heel. Oh.. I forgot another thing you should probably know - I somehow miraculously ended up on the Homecoming committee at my school. I don’t really know how it happened, but I had to go to the Homecoming dance.

The day was crazy busy. I started super early in the morning dealing with wreck stuff. I had to help a professor with a mailing, go decorate for the homecoming dance, help with a concession stand, then get cute, and finally, go host the dance.

All the stuff before getting cute and going to the dance is irrelevant to this, so we will fast forward through it. I put on my special event perfume, put on my super cute crazy platforms, and headed to the dance. When people started coming, we were having a decent time. I was looking super cute, and having fun. The DJ comes in and starts playing music that I can’t stand, so I decide to go outside. As I head outside the building, in my super cute platforms, I miss a stair and overstepped the next one.

I freaking fell down the entire staircase in front of the building where the Dance was. Seriously.  Did a flip. I hear it was legendary? I have several concrete kisses on several parts of my body. It’s pretty legit.
Long story short? Concrete makes a pretty terrible Valentine.  :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Temple of Death

dude.. I was so not made for dorm life.

We got a new podmate. This fact in itself is fine. In fact, it was quite inevitable. The only struggle I have with this new podmate? She has people over till 3 a.m. Again, in itself, a fine fact.. we're all grown ups. However, when these people are insanely loud, it kind of sucks. Especially when it's like 3 nights in a row and I've had a rough three days already. It kind of sucks to finally get to sleep at 2:30, only to be woken at 3 by Flava Flav's son/way younger brother/some kind of kin or the guy who is trying WAY too hard to impress this girl. This is a sample of a typical conversation I wake up to.. (reenactments. actual events may vary..)

Flav: OMG, boooyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzz, we are getting sooo wasted at 3 in the morning! We must be hardcore gangsters. For real. 

Podmate: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Flav! You're so funny, I am going to laugh loud enough that people in Chicago can hear me! 

Boy In Love With Podmate: (he has to yell over both of them..) YOU'RE SO PRETTY! I JUST WANT TO HOLD YOU! WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND? I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER, I SWEAR! SERIOUSLY! YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING...........................

Long story short, in order to get to the police station in a timely manner (to file a report for aforementioned wreck), I had to get up at nearly the butt crack of dawn this morning - meaning I got like thirty seconds *total* sleep. This is not a positive situation for anyone who might have possibly interacted with me. In fact, there might be a maimed Kum-N-Go clerk somewhere.. I can't account for my actions. 

I. Needed. Caffeine. 

I decided to purchase one of my favorite energy drinks - Monster Nitrous. This is normally a very enjoyable experience for my life. I drink something that tastes roughly like Surge (Mindy cred if you remember how Surge tastes) and I get to be a much less poopy version of myself. 

This time, however, I decided to look into the can. Holy crap! It's lime freaking green. Like as green as I imagine leprechaun pee would be. Greener than my Surge pee! 

My friend Susan commented on how fast I was drinking it, and deciding not to bite her head off (the caffeine was beginning to make me semi-sane again), I said "my body is a temple. Of noxious chemicals." Then, never quite knowing when to stop (I think that switch in my brain is broken..), I took this train of thought to the seven hundred millionth degree and said "my body? is a temple. of death."

know what's awesome? It's 10 hours later and I still can't sit still. 


Friday, February 11, 2011

I Want My Life, not This Stupid One.

I have a confession to make. One of the side effects of being as awesome as I am? I end up being a super spoiled princess. I don't like hearing the word "no" - it's generally not in my vocabulary. Yes, I am smart about what I ask for, but I am also super charming (and generally much more humble than this..), so I usually get what I want.

This probably goes back to a time when I was rather small. My parents both worked early in the morning, so I got to hang out with my grandparents till it was time to go to preschool. When I decided to wake up (see.. waking up whenever I feel like it has been a part of my life for a long time :).. ), my grandpa would inevitably ask me what I would like to eat for breakfast. Most of the time, he would give me options, and most of the time I picked an english muffin with orange marmalade, or biscuits and gravy without sausage (he always made it without sausage for me.. I have always been super spoiled..). One morning, however, I saw that my grandma had made a chocolate cake the night before. My grandma's chocolate cake is legendary. Google it, I dare you. People have died trying to get it. Anyway, she had made a chocolate cake in her special chocolate cake pan, and I spied it. I decided to go waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and tell my grandpa something I had never thought before.

Grandpa " good morning, sweetheart! what would you like for breakfast this morning?"

Amy "chocolate cake and Pepsi?"

Grandpa "coming up!"

no. joke.

I think he created a monster.

A super fun, fabulous monster with killer accessories and a cute car.

oh, and about the title? I got in a car wreck and don't have my super cute car and my job had to change. So this spoiled princess is doing the equivalent of stamping her feet (that may or may not have actually happened several times tonight) and throwing a tantrum. I'll keep you posted.. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Once Upon a Time..

There was a girl who loved grammar, but couldn't find it in herself to finish her ellipses.. :)

but seriously.

I think I should live in a Group Home.. you know the ones with constant adult supervision? Yes, I love to shirk responsibility, but I find it difficult to get myself dressed every morning (well.. morning is a rather loose term.. it would probably be more like afternoon..). Here's an example of what my days look like:

Noon: notice that I have once again slept till noon. also notice that I have not eaten in over 12 hours and that                               might be why my stomach is suuuuper growly..

12:15 - convince myself that sleeping till 12:30 is something that I won't be able to do forever, that I should embrace it and cherish it, and fall back asleep..

12:30 - sleep straight through it

1:15 - realize that I have literally slept waaay too long and decide that I should get up and do some homework

1:16 - begin to plan the things I will do to be a productive citizen as soon as I get out of bed.. usually including: shower, work, responsibilities in the category "other", and consuming mass quantities of soda

Finally out of bed, I think to myself "self, let's be a productive citizen. starting now." I run to the shower, smell so much better when I get out, and then comes the hard part.. getting dressed. I wish I could live in my usual night time clothing choice which generally involves two things: super short shorts and a hoodie. Contradictory? Absolutely. The way I roll? You better freaking believe it. However, since super short shorts are not generally acceptable clothing in most situations, I must wear something else. Yes, I have a vast array of tshirts that I love, and jeans that make my butt actually seem to appear from thin air, but I struggle to focus long enough to pick something out. Sometimes? I just blindly pick out a pair of pants and a shirt. Usually not a good idea..

Eventually, I put something on my body and move on to the next thing on my list.. which becomes the Internet. yup. usually sucks the rest of the day up before work? you bet your behonky.

Anyway, I feel like if I had constant adult supervision, I might actually be able to be a productive citizen instead of a textbook case of one too many neuroses. I need to look into this.. after I smell better than I do right now.. :)