Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have the most amazing friends and family ever, I should start by saying that. My parents are wonderful, my siblings are my friends, my not dead grandparents do a great job of being grandparents (clearly the dead ones can't do a very good job.. the chocolate they give would probably taste like mold or something even grosser..), my extended family is amazing. My friends, who do not have to put up with me, but do are equally as amazing.

Can I remind you that I said before that my parents are amazing? Keep this in mind for the rest of this post....

My mom is a nurse. Has been for 30 years now. She's a very good nurse - she has her Master's degree in it, loves teaching people how to be nurses, loves helping people. The woman has won awards and been invited into honor societies and is amazing.

I want to know how. When, as children, something happened to us, she had the bedside manner of an angry badger. Let me give you an example... when I was little and thought I needed a band aid (band aids magically make things better, right? duh.), my mom would always make sure I was bleeding first. And if I wasn't, by the time she determined I might need a band aid, I had lost a pint of blood.

OR here is an example of a conversation about how I feel like crap.....

"mom, I don't feel good."

"what does it feel like?"

"it feels like there are 7000 little men in my body jumping on my organs, causing them to rupture, bleed profusely, and possibly causing permanent damage."

"you're fine. go play."

Yes, I have a flair for the dramatic, but what if there really *had* been 7000 little men inside me causing permanent damage? She would have felt like crap - and a different kind of crap.. probably mostly.

That would have been a great front page for the National Enquirer, though

"Beautiful Young Life Smushed Because of 7000 Tiny Little Men Causing Permanent Damage and Flair for the Dramatic"

It would have been the most popular edition of the Enquirer. Ever.

You bet. :)

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