Thursday, February 10, 2011

Once Upon a Time..

There was a girl who loved grammar, but couldn't find it in herself to finish her ellipses.. :)

but seriously.

I think I should live in a Group Home.. you know the ones with constant adult supervision? Yes, I love to shirk responsibility, but I find it difficult to get myself dressed every morning (well.. morning is a rather loose term.. it would probably be more like afternoon..). Here's an example of what my days look like:

Noon: notice that I have once again slept till noon. also notice that I have not eaten in over 12 hours and that                               might be why my stomach is suuuuper growly..

12:15 - convince myself that sleeping till 12:30 is something that I won't be able to do forever, that I should embrace it and cherish it, and fall back asleep..

12:30 - sleep straight through it

1:15 - realize that I have literally slept waaay too long and decide that I should get up and do some homework

1:16 - begin to plan the things I will do to be a productive citizen as soon as I get out of bed.. usually including: shower, work, responsibilities in the category "other", and consuming mass quantities of soda

Finally out of bed, I think to myself "self, let's be a productive citizen. starting now." I run to the shower, smell so much better when I get out, and then comes the hard part.. getting dressed. I wish I could live in my usual night time clothing choice which generally involves two things: super short shorts and a hoodie. Contradictory? Absolutely. The way I roll? You better freaking believe it. However, since super short shorts are not generally acceptable clothing in most situations, I must wear something else. Yes, I have a vast array of tshirts that I love, and jeans that make my butt actually seem to appear from thin air, but I struggle to focus long enough to pick something out. Sometimes? I just blindly pick out a pair of pants and a shirt. Usually not a good idea..

Eventually, I put something on my body and move on to the next thing on my list.. which becomes the Internet. yup. usually sucks the rest of the day up before work? you bet your behonky.

Anyway, I feel like if I had constant adult supervision, I might actually be able to be a productive citizen instead of a textbook case of one too many neuroses. I need to look into this.. after I smell better than I do right now.. :)

1 comment:

  1. You are off to a great start Amy! Can't wait to see more!
